Sunday, November 25, 2007

Week 4 post

Hi Everyone,

I don't know... I had a really bad week. I had a hard time taking pictures of shadows. I would see the shadows but for some reason they didn't show up in my pictures and when you change them to black and white, it sometimes took out the shadows.

This is all I could come up with. Not a good week for me in pics. that's for sure!


Jerry said...


The top two are not bad... not so great on the bottom two... thanks for posting anyway...:-)

It's important to pay attention to the light outside and allow time to go out shooting to find and follow the light... That is the content of our work.

Elesia a.k.a. Lisa said...

Lisa I thought your shots were great! I loved lamp shadow.

dvia1 said...

I like them too.

Helen said...

Lisa, you and I are on the same wavelength. I took some of the ceiling fan too. They looked great to my naked eye but they wouldn't come out when I took the picture. I also had a difficult time this week so don't feel bad.