Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Hi Everyone,
My dog was my subject this week. I tried to catch some chipmunks but that didn't quite work out well and most of the plants outside are dead.
I really liked the coloring captured in the leaf and my dog is my second favorite photo op., beside my son... but I don't want to post his pictures online. :-)


Jerry said...

Cute dog... remember... flash shots don't count!

Helen said...

Lisa, I really liked your picture of the variegated leaf. The color is great. The guys in the Model Shop where I work have invited me to come down and take pictures of them working with nanorod and polymer coatings. If the pictures come out well, I will be posting them to the fotothing account under my blog name "honith". The earliest they will be posted is Friday morning so check it out if you have the time.

Marc Mason said...

I love the expression on your pup's face in that last shot. Priceless! He looks like a little Buddha!

Bonita said...

the puppy is so adorable, and your pics are great. Nice job!