Tuesday, November 13, 2007

These are my pictures

These pictures were taken near downtown New Haven. I took many,but these caught my eye. I am becoming better with my camera and angles. These two pictures were unique and caught a natural light. I have others that I will post for viewing.


malloct said...

when i click on the colored photo to enlarge, I can only capture one part at a time, i have a small lap top. the part with the white back round looks like a misty forest on my lap top it is beautiful, and the other rocks make an awesome close up of the rocks and red leaves, it is so much kooler as a close up getting two differnt pictures from the one.

Jerry said...

The color one has the telltale full frontal (and very dull) light of the flash going off...

The blurry one is so because of a slow shutter speed and a shaky hand....

dvia1 said...

I love the second one.