Sunday, November 11, 2007

More Photos for Week 2

Ok, I felt guilty because my Yale pictures were actually shots from several years ago and to be honest with you, they were probably taken with the flash on because I only learned how to turn it off last week. I just loved the beauty and style of them but they probably didn't really reflect the true assignment. I am attaching some more pictures that I took this weekend in Guilford and last weekend at Lisa's wedding. I played with some effects like switching over to black and white, sharpening images and cropping. The funky photo is part of the staircase in my house.


Jerry said...

I'd love to see more details from the city/town.... Working in nature is coming up!

Remember to post one or two of your best pieces, then invite others over to your fotothing portfolio.

dvia1 said...

These are some great shots.