Monday, November 5, 2007

Natalie's Introduction

It's Natalie everyone! The camera had caught me a little off guard! LOL Anyhow, It's a pleasure to share this class with you all. I'm a Junior here @ AMC with a Business Admin. Major. My concentration is undetermined as of yet. Outside of school I work full time with the Government in the U.S.Army Department. Interesting and Different if I could describe my job in 2 words. I devote the rest of my life to traveling and launching a T-shirt line by the name of Nai'chels Couture (Aug of 08). Hope to chat with you all soon. TTYL


Jerry said...

Welcome Natalie!

Looks good. Good luck with that new business....

Anonymous said...

I love your picture. Hope to communicate with you throughout the class.

Shay is back! said...

Hello Natalie, I am shayla. I am in your class and i hope you enjoy the class!

daddyman said...

Nai'chels sounds really sharp! Go Nai'chels, Go!