Friday, November 30, 2007

Hi, I'm Rob. Better VERY late than never (hopefully).

I'm a senior philosophy major at Albertus and I've just started a new job at Starbucks in Southbury. I've had a HECTIC fall and hope I can catch up and at least pass this photography class. This is my first experience with an online class.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Up Close & Personal

This is the weekend we put up our Christmas decorations so I thought I would post early. Here are some Macro shots that I particularly liked. The rest will be on fotothing.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Light and Shadows

Sorry about the lateness of this post, but I wasn't happy with my first round of photos, so I kept trying to get some better shots. Unfortunately, the sun wouldn't cooperate with my schedule. Anyway, here's what I have... I'm not thrilled, but they're better than nothing, right? =)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

You had to be there, it was sooo beautiful, I was hoping these came out better

The beach

These pictures were taken at the beach. I tried to catch the sun set. I like the way the pictures came out, and the more I look at it the more it looks dramatic in some ways. I hope you all like it please give me feedback.

Week 4

Here are some shots dealing with natural lighting and colors, B&W and shadows. I really like these shots.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Shadows and Light @ Sleeping Giant

The first picture on the left is my dog, Lulu's shadow. The other two photographs are at Sleeping Giant.

Shadows and Light

I'm not happy with my pictures for this week's assignment so I am going to keep working on it. My fotothing account name is honith so you can check out what I've uploaded so far. Thanks for all your positive comments.

Light & Shadows

Sorry for posting so late. I had major camera issues. Anyway here they are. I tried different types of light and shadow combinations. Artificial and natural (day & night). Here they are. All others will be on fotothing.

New Stage (NYC)-Lobby Lights

The Moonlit Sky
(I did not use Picasa2 for this one because I just liked it)
but I will post the "I feel lucky"one on fotothing.

Afternoon at the Beach

Sunday, November 25, 2007

New Photos for week three

Week four

By the Sea

New Pictures!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend!! I posted some pictures today on my fotothing page. Here is one I could not post due to the 5 pic per day limit. The rest will be on tomorrow! :-)


Week 4 post

Hi Everyone,

I don't know... I had a really bad week. I had a hard time taking pictures of shadows. I would see the shadows but for some reason they didn't show up in my pictures and when you change them to black and white, it sometimes took out the shadows.

This is all I could come up with. Not a good week for me in pics. that's for sure!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My backyard and W65th & 7th.

This weekend I shot some photos around my backyard and walking around NYC.

Week 4 photos

Week 4 Photos

I got this shot of a gull in a puddle just as the wind kicked up causing the ripple effect of the reflection. Second photo is of a fishing boat at the Guilford Town Dock.
The third I call sunny side up is a puddle of water showing reflections of clouds.
The last photo is taken at tidal marsh at low tide. I'll post some others on Photothing hope you enjoy them.